When navigators first set foot on North American soil, they were amazed and delighted by the impressive size and unusual appearance of a tree that

This pine tree is 4843 years old. It grew from a seed that fell to earth in 2832 BC. Methuselah is located on the side

The baobab belongs to the genus Adansonia, which includes nine species of the plant and is named after the eminent French botanist and traveller Michel
Top 5 Enthralling Books to Deepen Your Connection with Trees Embark on a journey through the forest with these captivating books about trees. From the
Top 5 Enthralling Books to Deepen Your Connection with Trees Embark on a journey through the forest with these captivating books about trees. From the
Top 5 Enthralling Books to Deepen Your Connection with Trees Embark on a journey through the forest with these captivating books about trees. From the